(Note: The GRE subject test in mathematics is completely different from the math section of the General GRE so if you are looking for advice on triangles and circles then this page will NOT help. If you have not already done so, you might want to take a look at the free test preparation materials put out by ETS.org.
A concise overview of the Mathematics GRE Subject Test and the material it covers can be found on the ETS.org. (Note: PhysicsGRE.com is NOT affiliated with the Educational Testing Service or the Graduate Record Examinations)
I believe that working large amounts of practice multiple-choice problems is an important part of preparing for the Physics GRE. This same mode of thinking translates directly to the Math GRE Subject Test. Below I list some sources of multiple-choice problems to help you prepare for the GRE subject test in math.
Free ETS Mathematics Problems:
- Free ETS sample subject test (http://www.ets.org) - I would consider this free sample Math GRE Subject Test (GR9768) essential to ones preparation for the Mathematics GRE.
- ETS Major Field Test samples(http://www.ets.org) - Why not work through these 10 free ETS sample questions "designed to measure the basic knowledge and understanding achieved by senior undergraduates in their major field of study" (i.e. Similar to Mathematics GRE).
- Please contact me if you know of any other resources that have good multiple-choice problems that can be used in preparation for the Mathematics Subject Test.
Books Pertaining Directly to the GRE Subject Test in Mathematics:
- [isbn=0446396508]GRE Practicing to Take the Mathematics Test 3rd Edition[/isbn] by ETS
(Note: This is a very difficult book to get a hold of. If you can not find a copy for a reasonable price on the Internet then I would suggest you ask some graduate students, check your library (and interlibrary loan), and try to network with classmates who may have a copy.) Anyway, this book was written by the makers of the Math GRE Subject Test and it contains two previously administered exams. According to an Amazon book review, one of the sample tests is the same as the free GR9768 download listed above. So basically you are paying for just one additional sample test. If you find the problems in the free GR9768 download listed above helpful, then you may want to look into this book and perhaps the earlier editions. Note: I am not sure if earlier editions use the same tests as later editions. If any of you figure out this mystery them please let me know. - Cracking the GRE Math Test (isbn=0375762671) (Subject Test) by Princeton Review: ISBN 0375762671 - I believe this is quite a nice book to help one prepare for the GRE subject test in math. It reviews the main topics found on the Mathematics GRE (with example problems) and then give you multiple-choice sample questions to work through (160 multiple-choice sample questions in total with solutions). The book finishes with a 65 question sample test that tries to resemble the math GRE subject test (with solutions). Note: The problems in this book are well thought out. However, unlike the ETS book referenced above, this book does not contain previously administered Mathematics GRE Subject Test questions. Nonetheless, I would highly recommend this book (Disclaimer: I studied Engineering and Physics and never took the Mathematics GRE - but I believe I still know a good book when I see one.)
- The Best Test Preparation for the GRE Mathematics (isbn=0878916377) by REA: ISBN 0878916377 - I really get a kick out of REA calling their books the "Best Test Preparation for the GRE". They have one of these "Best" books for the Physics GRE and, similar to the Mathematics GRE, its reputation is not incredibly favorable. A lot of the complaints about this math book revolve around errors in the book and also that the questions are not entirely representative of the GRE subject test in Math. However, this book contains 6 full length sample Mathematics GRE exams and I would imagine that there are a very good number of quality problems to be found within the pages.
- Please contact me if you know of any other books pertaining directly to the Mathematics GRE.
Other Books and Resources that have Multiple-Choice Problems Similar in content to the GRE Math Subject Test:
- GRE Practicing to Take the Engineering Test 3rd Edition (isbn=0446395773) by ETS
This book contains 194 practice problems and an actual FORM9337 Engineering GRE Test which contains 140 problems. About 25% of the Engineering GRE involves direct "Math Usage" which tests ones background on differential and integral calculus, vector analysis, differential equations, linear algebra, numerical analysis, and probability and statistics. I recommend this book because it was written by ETS (i.e. the makers of Mathematics GRE) and because you can usually get a used copy of GRE Practicing to Take the Engineering Test for an affordable price since the Engineering GRE has been discontinued. Note: You may want to compare the prices on the two book links above as they often fluctuate. Note: If you find this book helpful then you might want to take a look at some of the other books I reference on the Engineering GRE page. - AP Calculus Exams - There are loads of quality, yet basic multiple-choice calculus problems just waiting to try and expose any weakness you have with the basics. These problems provide an efficient review and are also a great way to work on your problem solving speed, accuracy and endurance. Amazon search for "AP Calculus"
How To Utilize this Website's Preparation Advice
Contrary to this particular page, this website is devoted to helping students prepare for the Physics GRE. However, with that in mind, this site can still help you prepare for the Mathematics GRE Subject Test. The Physics GRE preparation advice page is highly relevant to your preparation for the Mathematics GRE Subject Test (Wherever you see "Physics" think about how it could apply to "Mathematics"). Also, some links off of that page that are relevant to the Mathematics GRE are working practice problems, advice on taking sample tests, benefits of testing answers, and dealing with unfamiliar material (Wherever you see "Physics" think about how it could apply to "Mathematics").
I hope you found this page useful to your Mathematics GRE preparation efforts. However, any comments and suggestions from math majors about how to improve this page would be greatly appreciated.