Other books with problems pertaining to the Physics GRE

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Other books with problems pertaining to the Physics GRE

Post by problems » Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:46 pm

As I find other sources of multiple-choice physics problems that do not fall under a category in our multiple-choice Physics GRE problem page, then I will list them below. Please note that I would not recommend that you go out and purchase all of the books listed below. However, you may find it worthwhile to browse through them at your local bookstores and libraries. Many of the books would make nice additions to an SPS library.
I received the following recommendation for an undergraduate calculus based physics text called [isbn=0534392156]Physics: Calculus[/isbn].

"Another source of multiple-choice physics problems: Eugene Hecht's textbook "Physics: Calculus", which goes from the very beginning of classical kinematics all the way up through basic particle physics, has 20-30 multiple-choice problems at the end of every chapter (31 chapters). Answers to odd-numbered problems are in the back of the book. It's nice, too, because it's like a one-stop shop for reviewing - all that physics in one volume!" - student from Harvard

Note: There is also a [isbn=0534372481]student solutions manual for Physics: Calculus[/isbn] which, according to the publisher, "Contains answers for selected odd discussion questions, answers (with explanations) to odd multiple-choice questions, and solutions with explanations to selected odd problems not already solved in the book."

Note: The Physics: Calculus book is expensive but perhaps it would be worthwhile to see if your library (or interlibrary loan network) has a copy. Also, earlier editions of the book are probably sold used for heavily discounted prices.

There are also a number of books out there to help students prepare for the Engineering, Mathematics and Chemistry GRE Subject Tests. Fortunately, there is some overlap between the material tested on these exams and the Physics GRE. For more on this topic please take a look at the related discipline ETS Subject Tests page.
Also, if you know of or find any more resources for multiple-choice physics problems near the GRE level then please suggest them in the Physics GRE Forums.

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