Will school rescind offer due to summary offense?
Will school rescind offer due to summary offense?
I recently got into my dream school and one of the top schools in the world for Physics graduate school. However, I have a summary offense on my record for disorderly conduct from 5 years ago that is in the process of getting expunged. The school is not aware of this, since they did not ask about it on the application. I am aware that a background check is performed upon acceptance of an offer. Is it likely that my summary offense would be grounds for reneging my offer? I need to know before I decline my other offers, just in case I get this offer taken away. Thanks!
Re: Will school rescind offer due to summary offense?
I doubt it, but if I were you I'd wait until the last moment possible. Best case the offense gets expunged and nobody is the wiser. Worst case you're still at the same position in 4/15 as you are at now and you lose nothing by waiting. It will probably screw the rest of us with decision dates but you gotta take care of yourself first.