Bad Quantitative General GRE score

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Bad Quantitative General GRE score

Post by cylon_destroyer » Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:46 am

I took the general GRE recently, and was horribly disappointed at my quantitative reasoning score: 157 (not sure what percentile, I'm assuming around 70%). I'm applying to astro grad programs, have a 3.7 gpa and 3.9 physics/astro gpa from a top 5 university, pretty good astro research experience, and decent physics GRE scores (830, 78%). How much will this quantitative reasoning score affect my admissions? I am still extremely disappointed in myself for the math score, I really am not sure what happened, and now I'm freaking out a little that this might ruin my chances at getting in anywhere.

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Re: Bad Quantitative General GRE score

Post by Arbitrary » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:37 am

I suppose this result will raise some eyebrows among the comittees.
If I were you I'd retake the exam (I actually did so when I got Q162 on the first try).
It is however proabably too late, but do not be discouraged! The general GRE can in fact be offset quite easily by good stats in other areas. Good research credentials and recommendations should leave you more than a decent chance of being accepted to most programs.

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Re: Bad Quantitative General GRE score

Post by kev12592 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:04 pm

You'll get in places don't worry. The only schools that this may be a huge deal is the top 5 or so schools where the top students' profiles all differ by epsilon. Most decent programs realize that if you can get a 3.9 in physics/astro and an 830 PGRE then you can do basic math and your score is more reflective of just a bad test day. I wouldn't waste any more money, ETS is a scam.

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Re: Bad Quantitative General GRE score

Post by photomagnetic » Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:35 pm

hah i got the same score as well.
it is just stupid test conditions. and i dont give a *** about it.
if they dont accept me because of that their loss.
plus i got good lors and 4.00 gpa. so joke's on ets

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Re: Bad Quantitative General GRE score

Post by WhoaNonstop » Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:04 pm

cylon_destroyer wrote:I took the general GRE recently, and was horribly disappointed at my quantitative reasoning score: 157 (not sure what percentile, I'm assuming around 70%). I'm applying to astro grad programs, have a 3.7 gpa and 3.9 physics/astro gpa from a top 5 university, pretty good astro research experience, and decent physics GRE scores (830, 78%). How much will this quantitative reasoning score affect my admissions? I am still extremely disappointed in myself for the math score, I really am not sure what happened, and now I'm freaking out a little that this might ruin my chances at getting in anywhere.

Yeah, I'm the guy around here that says when things really are bad. I don't think this is bad. You shouldn't worry about it too much. If your PGRE wasn't as strong as it is you may have some troubles, but you're sitting in an okay spot.


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