I am an international student who want to apply for TOP30 Applied physics/MSE/ECE PhD.
I have no precise idea about the tier of my school?
Its world rank is about 100 (by Physics is at around ~60).
I already have 1 publication as 1st author, (IF~=6), 1 as co-author (IF~= 10), and 3 papers (1 as 1th author) ready to submit.
However, my BS overall GPA is quite low (=3.5),
I hope the last 60 GPA may slightly compensate for it (=3.7).
And my MS overall GPA is 3.8/4.0 or 4.0/4.3 each by different calculation formula.
There is a new emerged problem which really bothers me....
The PGRE score is just released recently, and I get 930 (below 90), yet many of my classmates scored 990.
For we the most international students from asia, the GRE score in V is usually lower while Q and SGRE is higher.
So I heard about that most schools have different GRE standard for us.
I really wonder: The low BS GPA must be bad for my application.
Will the relatively lower PGRE score be one more apparent disadvantage?
Is a SGRE score below 900 or 90% level enough for students apply for top university?