Finding Publications

  • This has become our largest and most active forum because the physics GRE is just one aspect of getting accepted into a graduate physics program.
  • There are applications, personal statements, letters of recommendation, visiting schools, anxiety of waiting for acceptances, deciding between schools, finding out where others are going, etc.

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Finding Publications

Post by Roses » Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:31 am

Like many of you I am beginning the application process for a PhD program and I was wondering if anyone has tips on finding publications released by Universities. Right now I am just searching Google Scholar and such but its very time consuming and I was hoping there might be an easier way to investigate the work being done at the universities.

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Re: Finding Publications

Post by grae313 » Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:02 pm

On every department's website is a link to the department research. Start with the research groups in the department at each school that interest you, not the school as a whole. Every research group has a research page where they list their publications, and some highlight their best. Find the *groups* that interest you, their publications will then be easy to access through their website.

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