Hello. I find myself currently confronted with a difficult decision regarding my next academic step. I have received a PhD invitation from an emerging associate professor at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL), an institution not particularly renowned for its physics department, the field of my interest. However, they initiated a fresh physics research program just last year, signaling an increased focus on this discipline. As of now, it's challenging to gauge the impact or projected improvement in ranking due to the recentness of this initiative.
My interaction with the said professor has been positive, and our research goals seem to align perfectly. Moreover, there are sufficient funds to kickstart the research. My only concern is whether the lower ranking of WUSTL's physics department might negatively affect my future career prospects.
The alternative option I am considering involves applying to higher-ranked universities. However, this route doesn't guarantee a secured position as I have with WUSTL.
For context, I hold an undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Physics from Boulder, with a GPA of 3.5. Furthermore, I have a master's degree in Material Science and Computer Science( honest I am not sure if I should take it, expensive!) from lvy, expecting to graduate with a GPA between 3.7 to 3.8. I've also co-authored a published paper in my 1.5 year undergraudate research, contributing as the second author. While I believe my academic background is not bad, I am aware that certain universities might not be as welcoming to students already holding a master's degree and my research experience is not so long.
I am at a crossroads, and every decision seems to involve some form of trade-off. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or advice from individuals who might have been in a similar situation or those knowledgeable in this area. Thank you.