April 15 National Reply Deadline
April 15 National Reply Deadline
We are less than two weeks from the US national reply deadline for financial offers of support for graduate studies. While this admissions season has been surreal, with cancelled open houses and sudden revisions to modes of teaching, it is still important to act responsibly regarding the offers of admission that you have received. This weekend is a good time to think through your options. If you are fortunate enough to have multiple offers of admission, you should be able to narrow those down to just two (or, better, just one) and let the other institutions know that you appreciate their offer but will be going elsewhere. If you have an offer, but are waiting to hear from other schools, now is a good time to decide whether or not you are still interested in those other schools. If not, let them know that you are no longer interested. If you are still waiting to hear (i.e., have no offers in hand), be patient. If your friends and colleagues follow the above advice, it may be possible to notify people on the waitlist before April 15. For everyone: you have the right to wait until April 15 to make your final decision, but if you act responsibly to notify schools that you are no longer considering, it will make the process better for everyone.