UIUC Acceptances/Admits, where you at?

  • This has become our largest and most active forum because the physics GRE is just one aspect of getting accepted into a graduate physics program.
  • There are applications, personal statements, letters of recommendation, visiting schools, anxiety of waiting for acceptances, deciding between schools, finding out where others are going, etc.

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UIUC Acceptances/Admits, where you at?

Post by guckymeister » Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:56 pm

Hey all! I found out yesterday I was accepted to UIUC for a physics PhD! I really really really lucked out because I only applied to UIUC and UM Ann Arbor, as they didn't require the pGRE (I didn't end up taking the pGRE; I'd rather gouge out my eyes than take that exam. The rest of my application package was stellar). Needless to say, I am 99% sure I will accept the offer to UIUC.

Anyone else hear back yet from UIUC? If so, who plans on going? It would be fun to get to know the cohort

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Re: UIUC Acceptances/Admits, where you at?

Post by Nishikata » Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:07 am

Not many news yet. There are a few admits, but UIUC is relatively slower this year. Probably because of the cold weather.

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