Hi, this is my first post on this forum. I'm from India, and I'm actually an engineering grad.
I took physics courses as electives in my final year and did an undergraduate thesis project under a physics prof, so I'm covered to some extent as far as research experience is concerned. I only really interacted and worked with two physics profs at my university department who know me well enough to write specific LoRs. However, I also took a course offered by a really great humanities prof who I went on to work for as a teaching assistant for two semesters, and we got along very well. He is willing to write letters for me, and I'm sure he'd recommend me highly, but I don't know if his recommendation will count as much given that he isn't a physics faculty.
So, do you think I should have him write letters for me, or should I play it safe and approach a third physics prof who only knows me for taking their course?
LoR from a humanities prof?
Re: LoR from a humanities prof?
Is there some engineering prof you could use instead? 

Re: LoR from a humanities prof?
Not really. They were almost all a bunch of mean misanthropes. I'd prefer to just approach one of my other physics profs, but I feel like I'd get a better endorsement from my humanities prof.