by YodaT » Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:52 am
I started my SOP with something like this...
"Three years ago I entered college, with an undecided future, and it wasn't until a year later my academic career in physics commenced. I completed two years of physics in one year, but... blah blah..."
I went on to state how a medical complication prevented me from finishing my degree in three years, how my research skills were related to my level of education, and what my research interests were. The second paragraph started with something like this...
"For a little background I'd like to state that my primary talents are that of an artist. The aesthetic appearance and wording in physics text attracted me to the field and my imaginative spirit allowed me to easily visualize physical scenarios. This same artistic ability has lead me to pursue programming and computer science as a hobby... blah blah..."
I went on to state how my medical condition has effected some portions of my transcript, with a swift defense by stating my excellent performance in certain upper-level courses and the level of comprehension required to do my current theoretical research projects. The third paragraph went on summarizing my research projects, their results, and my contributions. Finally, I ended with an awesome conclusion.
All of this is supported by mentions in my resume of awards received for art projects, list of talks/presentations, leadership positions, TAs/Internships, programming skills, languages other than English.. etc.