Report PGRE scores or not

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Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:12 am

Report PGRE scores or not

Post by catssan » Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:30 am

Hi, I am Indian female applying for physics/astronomy grad schools in US. This is my second year of applying. I applied very ambitiously last year and had not gotten in anywhere. This year I am trying to make a mix of some masters programs and some PhD programs at top-tier, mid-tier and safety schools.
Undergrad: IIT (top 5), BS Physics (2019-23)
Overall GPA: 8.14/10, my freshman year was pretty bad, covered up in the rest. My concerns are a D in Statistical Mechanics and C in ED-1, with most other courses in physics and maths B/A (we don't have B+/B-, it's scaled to 0,2,4..10)
Research exp: 2 years of research with faculties in my institute - high energy astrophysics - observational, 1 Summer intern at insti - solar data analysis, 1 summer intern at caltech - high energy astrophysics - observational, currently - post-bacc at KU astroparticle physics - instrumentation
Paper: 1st author about to submit, in the final stages
Last year - all rejects except waitlist for Caltech Astro (no interview) followed by rejection
I gave PGRE twice this year - 700 on first time (53,62,60 in class mech, ED and QM), 820 on second time (93,62,63). These both have been reported to Harvard, Columbia, U Chicago and MIT Physics.
Q1 - do I need to explain reporting of two different scores at these 4 institutes?
Q2 - should I report my 820 score to other places I am applying? Will it help, not matter or negatively affect?

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Joined: Sat Aug 26, 2023 7:45 am

Re: Report PGRE scores or not

Post by calmcookie » Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:25 pm

As an international student, I'd advise you not to submit these scores, especially to the top schools. It'll hurt your profile more than it'll do good.

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