Hi, I am a rising senior at a good large undergrad school planning to apply for grad schools this fall.
I had a small family issue during the last semester especially in midterm season, and I ended up getting two A- in required physics courses and one B+ in a math course(linear algebra).
I understand it is not so bad grades in general, but with the hope to get into top Ph.D. physics program, it's really freaking me out right now.
One reason it concerns me a lot is because I transferred from community college to my current university last year, so my university GPA went down so much because of last semester. (having 3.7ish right now.)
Anyway my main questions are
1. How much does B+ in math looks to admission of theoretical physics program? And how about A-s in upper division physics?(one of the class is related to my interest field indeed.)
2. Do grad school look at Senior year fall semester grade? I've heard it depends on school, but what about top schools for example? I really hope so in order to boost up my university GPA...
I understand asking this doesn't really change any thing, and I know GPA is not only the part of getting in grad school. But this is really making me feel sick, so I'll appreciate any answers and/or advice/suggestion for my question.
Not good GPA in Junior second semester. Can it ruin my chance?
Re: Not good GPA in Junior second semester. Can it ruin my chance?
At this point, I would say that you should apply broadly.
What is your research experience like?
What is your research experience like?
Re: Not good GPA in Junior second semester. Can it ruin my chance?
Thanks for the reply!
My plan right now is applying only to top choices this fall, and if I get rejected I will spend a year doing research and reapply to these school with safer option.
I didn't have any research experience in my community college, and all my research experience is
-REU at top 10 university before junior summer (before transferring)
-work as undergraduate researcher during junior year (plan to continue working in that lab in my senior year)
-will start REU at top 5 university before senior summer (this summer)
My plan right now is applying only to top choices this fall, and if I get rejected I will spend a year doing research and reapply to these school with safer option.
I didn't have any research experience in my community college, and all my research experience is
-REU at top 10 university before junior summer (before transferring)
-work as undergraduate researcher during junior year (plan to continue working in that lab in my senior year)
-will start REU at top 5 university before senior summer (this summer)
Re: Not good GPA in Junior second semester. Can it ruin my chance?
I don't think an A- will make a big difference. Research matters way more for the top schools. Focus on research and try to get good rec letters out of the REU you are doing. Good luck!