I am double majoring in Physics and CS in a highly reputable univ for CS in the US. I took the PGRE this April and got 920, but my physics major gpa is around ~3.2 (with 4 physics grad courses). I worked for a well-known web corporation for my first two summer doing CS related work, and did biohysics related research last semester-summer. As a result of the research, I will be a first author in a paper, that is in prepublication phase. I think I will be able to get 3 really good recommendations, from my research advisor, and two professors who knows me well.
So heres my question, I am applying for biophysics (computational) programs. What are my chances in getting into a good biophysics program, say like JHU, Berkely..? If not what else can I do to strengthen my application (i.e. take an extra semester of grad courses?)
physics & CS
Re: physics & CS
I don't think many people here have experience with the relative competitiveness of biophysics programs, but your profile looks pretty good. Are you aware of this program?