My percentage in B.Sc. is 68.54% and in M.Sc. Physics (Hons) my c.g.p.a is 8.24/10. on degree of M.Sc total C.G.P.A is 8.24/10. I did M.Sc. From GNDU Amritsar. When it comes to convert this c.g.p.a to percentage it becomes 73.34% after multiplying (8.24* 8.9) with 8.9 conversion factor at back of degree. What Us universities consider c.g.p.a or percentage after conversion. What will be my GPA for US. could anyone calculate?
Thanks in advance.
kindly tell how to calculate GPA for US universities
Re: kindly tell how to calculate GPA for US universities
at least for all the schools I applied to, they don't ask to convert my GPA (5-point system) to US 4-point system. This makes sense, because the conversion is not as simple as 80% of my GPA, but must take into account what number grade is assigned for the same letter grade. This makes it complicated and the schools only ask for a description of our grading system for their reference.Seerat wrote:My percentage in B.Sc. is 68.54% and in M.Sc. Physics (Hons) my c.g.p.a is 8.24/10. on degree of M.Sc total C.G.P.A is 8.24/10. I did M.Sc. From GNDU Amritsar. When it comes to convert this c.g.p.a to percentage it becomes 73.34% after multiplying (8.24* 8.9) with 8.9 conversion factor at back of degree. What Us universities consider c.g.p.a or percentage after conversion. What will be my GPA for US. could anyone calculate?
Thanks in advance.
Re: kindly tell how to calculate GPA for US universities
What Indian student will enter? obtained percentage? OSU give scale option 4, 7, 10, 100, others, class system. For Indian percentage based system university will it be 80 and scale 100?? If percentage is 80 %