Master's Institution: One of the 24 Russell group universities in UK
Major : Theoretical Physics
Grade : Distinction
GPA : 3.92/4.0 (Conversion according to
Length of Degrees : 1 Year
Position in Class : No clue
Bachelor's Institution: Good engineering college in India
Major : Mechanical Engineering
GPA : 8.34/10.0 (around 3.4/4.0 on conversion)
Length of Degrees : 4 Years
Position in Class : No clue
Type of Student : International (Asian)
GRE : Not done yet. Planning to take PGRE in October later this year. Targeting above 890 or getting over 50 questions right out of total 70.
Research : '
- MSc dissertation starting in Jan 2021 until Aug 2021 with a professor who is the Head of Centre for Theoretical Physics at the university and fairly well known in scattering amplitude research in Europe.
- Research trainee(Feb-Jun 2019) at board of radiation and isotope technology, department of atomic energy, India. Working as finite element analyst for nucleonic gauges
- Major project at the bachelor's university starting in Aug 2019. Study on flap wing mechanism used in miniature air vehicle
- Research intern(Jun-Jul 2018) at National Technical Institute of Ukraine, Kiev. Laser engraving related experiments.
Recommendation Letters: All three LoR's from MSc institution. My LoRs were quite good, according to a professor from a European university who interviewed me for a PhD position.
Scattering amplitudes, Renormalisation group, strings, perturbative or non-perturbative QG, Loop quantum gravity, calabi-yau manifolds, compactification, and other topics are among my research interests.
I intend to apply to the graduate programmes listed below.
1. Utah State University
2. U.N.C Chapel Hill
3.Boston University
4. Duke University
5. Texas A&M
7. Arizona State
8. Purdue
9. University of Iowa
10. Northeastern University
11. University at Albany SUNY
12. University of Alabama
13. Louisiana State Uni
14. Virginia Tech
Aside from these graduate programmes, I intend to apply to a few pre-doctoral programmes at the University of Toronto, Princeton, Stanford, and ICTP Trieste.
This is not the final list. Any suggestions regarding dropping or adding few other names are appreciated ?
P.S.: I applied to six schools for the fall 2023 entry and was refused by all of them. USC, Brown, UCSB, UChicago, Pennstate, and UPenn all turned me down. I believe my essays were a major factor in these rejections, and I plan to drastically improve them for fall 24. Even if these are the finest colleges for me, I am not interested in reapplying. As a result, I'm being exceedingly humble for the upcoming cycle.
Thanks a lot.