Freaking out over rejections for astronomy

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Re: Freaking out over rejections for astronomy

Post by Cosmicomic » Thu Mar 14, 2019 2:36 am

I can totally empathize with you. I had several people check over my SOP and school choices and all of them thought my choices were reasonable. I applied for 18 schools in physics (domestic), mostly rank 40-70 with I think 4 above that as reach and a 3 below as safety. So far I'm sitting on 6 rejections, no acceptances, and its pretty late in the season. Even worse, 2/3 safety schools sent me a rejection. Every time someone asks me for updates they're surprised at how I'm faring.

Judging from some of the responses on here and gradcafe, it seems this year is getting record number of applicants. The competition is tougher than ever.

Hoping we all get in somewhere.

If not though I'm not sure what advice I could give, as the advice given to me so far doesn't seem to be helping. My instinct would be to study like crazy for the pGRE, but I've been out of school a while and so that's about all I can improve on.

Good Luck.

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