Newton wrote:
What did you put for the question that had something like the "expectation value" of the Hamiltonian, with wave-functions n & m and energy states n and m?
There was only 1 that made sense, the one with the Kronecker delta.
God I was really hoping not to give into the temptation of checking my answers... but the one on distances in NaCl... I think it was a trick question, I hope 2r was the correct distance between contiguous Na+ ions given that r was the distance between Na+ Cl-. They probably mentioned FCC structure to distract...
I really rushed through a lot of them barely reading the question, just looking for keywords. Kinda had doubts about the spherical harmonic question, I'm not sure if I read it correctly but if it was for m=0, then it was ccostheta. I hope the question didn't say l=0... I never remembered these things, on my quantum mechanics exam we would be given Clebsh-Gordan tables because knowing equations were the least of our worries.
Pretty embarrassed for not figuring out the telescope problem quickly, considering I'm applying to astronomy programs mainly.