Need help studying Beiser's Modern Physics

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Need help studying Beiser's Modern Physics

Post by siroy.sam » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:16 pm


I am into two months preparation for November PGRE. For modern physics, I am using concepts of Modern Physics, 6th edition, Arthur Beiser. I am thoroughly going through the text practicing solved examples and exercises at the end of each chapter. However, I am helpless as I couldn't attempt some of the problems. So, I often skipped those problems. As students solution manual is not available, its sometime difficult to get along. Please suggest how you guys study this particular book. Do you work out all the problems?

As for HRW, I am working out most of the odd number problems at each chapter's end. For this, I am somewhat in better position as I have a solution manual to assist me. Am I going on the right track or should I do some random problems only? And concentrate more on covering the syllabus first. Periodically, I am also doing the test papers.

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Re: Need help studying Beiser's Modern Physics

Post by siroy.sam » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:25 pm

Guys, don't you have to say anything? Share your views and suggestions. I am sorry as I posted this topic at wrong subforum. I did it by mistake. I badly need your suggestion as I am taking lots of time doing the problems.

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Re: Need help studying Beiser's Modern Physics

Post by HappyQuark » Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:52 pm

siroy.sam wrote:Hi,

I am into two months preparation for November PGRE. For modern physics, I am using concepts of Modern Physics, 6th edition, Arthur Beiser. I am thoroughly going through the text practicing solved examples and exercises at the end of each chapter. However, I am helpless as I couldn't attempt some of the problems. So, I often skipped those problems. As students solution manual is not available, its sometime difficult to get along. Please suggest how you guys study this particular book. Do you work out all the problems?

As for HRW, I am working out most of the odd number problems at each chapter's end. For this, I am somewhat in better position as I have a solution manual to assist me. Am I going on the right track or should I do some random problems only? And concentrate more on covering the syllabus first. Periodically, I am also doing the test papers.
Really? Is this a serious question?

I don't have Beiser's modern physics but here is a general heuristic that I find works for all textbooks.

1. Read chapters from the book and attempt to answer questions appearing during or at the end of the chapter.
2. If you find that you can't answer the question, locate another source on the subject (i.e. alternate book, internet, etc.) to see if a different explanation clarifies the matter.
3. If you are still struggling, ask for help from a professor, grad student or peer.
4. If you still can't solve the problem, consider a job at McDonalds

However, since you even felt like you needed to ask the question perhaps you should just skip straight to step 4 and save yourself all the trouble.

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Re: Need help studying Beiser's Modern Physics

Post by WhoaNonstop » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:20 pm

HappyQuark wrote: Really? Is this a serious question?
I must be confused. I didn't think he was asking a question, more so looking for someone's hand to hold.


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