I read the page on this web about MC problems (http://www.physicsgre.com/2-phy.shtml). The best source of MC problems is of course ETS publications. They are, however, too precious (only 400 problems in 4 past exams, plus a few tens of sample problems from various ETS source) and I want to leave them later in my final revision stage.
Does anyone know some other good source of MC problems (with answer, if not work-out solutions), of various topics covered in GRE, of the same level of GRE?
Halliday/Resnick/Krane gives some MC problems afer each chapter. They are very good, but a big problem is that there is no answer, so I cannot know if I do the problems correctly.
looking for multiple choice problems
If people suggest other sources of practice MC problems then I will add them to the list.
If people suggest other sources of practice MC problems then I will add them to the list.
i just found some preparation stuff online. this may be an mit only site, i'm not sure. if it is, let me know, and i'll post them where people can get to them when i get around to it.