Hi, i'm living in Izmir Turkey and i will take the GRE Phy and GRE but i don't know anyone that entered those exams. Also i took the toefl exam and i get 84

i will reenter it. I have a plan and a schedule. i will take GRE Phy on november 12. I have downloaded the REA, fund. of the physics book and alsoo schaum's college phy. but i couldn't start it yet.

i just want to talk about this. With someone.. Anyone?! I'm freaked out

I need to get focused to my tests!!
Actually i thought that i will learn from the REA and solve the problems from the fundamentals of phy and schaum's book. What do you think about that so called "plan". Is it too much presumptive? I've graduated from astronomy and i'm good at physics but i dont remember any of it. i need practice; lots of, lots of practice. Any advice to this novice???