Switching education systems

  • As many already know, studying for the physics GRE and getting accepted into a graduate program is not the final hurdle in your physics career.
  • There are many issues current physics graduate students face such as studying for their qualifier, deciding upon a field of research, choosing an advisor, being an effective teaching assistant, trying to have a social life, navigating department politics, dealing with stress, utilizing financial aid, etc.

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Switching education systems

Post by deepikatravellog » Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:25 pm

Hey guys,

I completed my undergraduate degree at an American liberal arts college and had a double major in physics and German studies. I wanted to start a program in Germany because I thought it would help me keep up with my German while progressing with my career in Physics and so applied to graduate schools in Germany. I got accepted with a scholarship and recently started a graduate program in Germany and am beginning to realize that there is a tremendous amount of stuff that I hadn't previously done in my undergrad degree in America. While trying to make up for that the coursework is also getting a lot harder and it's been a little challenging keeping up. In general, I'm also a slow learner and thinker and that makes me a very bad test taker for this system particularly. I'm afraid that starting a program in Germany might've been a bad idea in the first place and am considering dropping out and taking a gap year before applying to graduate schools in America. Would really like to know your thoughts on this and if you have any advice in general!


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