Faster ways of doing integrations and derivatives.

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Faster ways of doing integrations and derivatives.

Post by bonghan_lee27 » Wed May 18, 2016 9:07 pm

Hello everyone!

After having dwelled in the realm of mental math by Benjamin Arthur, I was curious of finding faster ways of doing math, particularly in calculus. Luckily, I have found some tricks to do faster integration by parts!

The first method consists of the LIATE, where each letter represents the Logarithm functions, Inverse trigonometric functions, Algebraic functions, Trigonometric functions, and Exponential functions.

The second method consists of the tabular integration by parts. ... ABULAR.pdf

I have also found a quicker way to do u-substitution.


Are there any more tricks to be able to compute integrations or derivatives faster out there?

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Re: Faster ways of doing integrations and derivatives.

Post by GMJackson » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:45 pm


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