Expectations, Hopes, and Fears for the Oct 18th Scores

  • Imagine you are sipping tea or coffee while discussing various issues with a broad and diverse network of students, colleagues, and friends brought together by the common bond of physics, graduate school, and the physics GRE.

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What are you going to do if your hopes are dashed?

Drink Alone
Play Video Games Until Your Mind Rots
Switch to Engineering
Switch to Business
Apply for a Job at a Certain Hamburger Restaurant
Start Flame Wars with Anybody Who Scored Well
Denial: Convince Yourself That You Actually Scored a 990
Pray to garden to Change Your Scores
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Expectations, Hopes, and Fears for the Oct 18th Scores

Post by secander2! » Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:24 am

What sort of results are we expecting to get when the Oct 18th scores come in, what scores are we hoping for, and how are we planning to react if our hopes are dashed...

To start things off... I answered about 92 questions (which is good :D ), but my track record from the practice tests suggests that I get about 1/3 of the questions wrong (which is really bad :( ).... as a result, I'm expecting to get a raw score of around 50-60 which will probably put me in the 750-850 range. Still, I HOPE to score around a 900. If I get lower than a 780 though, I'm gonna be seriously ticked off: I got a 780 last year with minimal studying and without having had some important courses; this time I had all the requisite courses and I studied really hard, so there sure as heck better be some serious improvement!!!!!!

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Re: Expectations, Hopes, and Fears for the Oct 18th Scores

Post by abeboparebop » Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:16 am

I'm in a similar boat -- answered 87, but I tend to get a lot of them wrong. The first two practice tests I took were 800 and 810 without much studying, and then after more studying, I got a 750 on 0177. Disappointing. Hoping for a 900, expecting an 800-850.

If I get below a 750 I may just put off grad school for a year and try to find a position in a lab here at my school or something.

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Re: Expectations, Hopes, and Fears for the Oct 18th Scores

Post by coreycwgriffin » Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:21 pm

I'm shooting for at least a 700. Not high hopes, I know, but that would be more than good enough for the kinds of schools I'm applying to as an American.

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Re: Expectations, Hopes, and Fears for the Oct 18th Scores

Post by casaubon » Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:08 pm

I came out of the exam too frazzled to make any score prediction. I answered 95 or so, had about an hour to review, still felt crunched. I thought it was hard - but probably because all I can remember are the ones I didn't know.

I guess I'm shooting for an 800+. I don't know. I never really focused on the raw/scaled stuff, just on answering as many questions as possible.

We'll know soon enough. Everyone just stay calm... :) :lol: :| :?: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Expectations, Hopes, and Fears for the Oct 18th Scores

Post by secander2! » Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:19 pm

@casaubon, :shock: :shock: :shock: you had an hour to review!?!? You're really fast!!! I had about 5 minutes! With that sort of a working speed, I really hope you end up making a 900+ because if you don't deserve it, I sure as heck don't either!

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Re: Expectations, Hopes, and Fears for the Oct 18th Scores

Post by casaubon » Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:31 pm

Man, I hope so. But I seemed to miss way too many in the practice exams, so I really have no idea.

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