Hey !!
I need help with my physics project. I just want you guys to read two
pages and tell me what to do in the project.
Go to the link below:
https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=ca ... bJtkkptz-g
I know it is hard to copy n paste but please i need help..
Once u open the link go to page 77 on it. The title says
"engineering technolgy core mechanical module #1 Displacement/Velocity Assembly line layout"
read that page and read till the end of page 78. Just two pages. Ok now please tell me what to do in this project. Please write down in points and in order like 1) you need to do this 2) do this ..i think u get the point. Just make clear and explain it to me in the best way u can . I really appreciate this..THANKS
Physics Project ..Displacement/Velocity
Re: Physics Project ..Displacement/Velocity
I recommend you to not to pin your hope in this post.
Re: Physics Project ..Displacement/Velocity
Obvious troll is obvious