can any body plz tell me that Is the Physics GRE content and question paper pattern is same for all the countries??? I am an Indian and i want to test in Nepal in April 2012 ,since physics gre is held only once a year in India. I dont want to wait all the year around for coming Nov .
Plz reply....
Help!!!! its urgent!!!
Re: Help!!!! its urgent!!!
no man, the physics gre is different for each country. for example, in countries whose first letter can be represented by mostly vertical lines ( like both India and Nepal - hah how funny is that in your case right?) the questions are slightly more biased towards mechanics and em. this all goes back to the earth's rotation... the test content needs to be adjusted to make it fair to everyone no matter where they live on earth, it makes sense that as you go further east (not past japan tho...countries with curvy letters are a completely different issue) things like photons, circuits, incline planes etc become more relevant. also, because of the specific bio-diversity of the region, for a small percentage of the questions you will be required to ride an elephant... personally i think this is completely unfair since not all indians worship elephants, but the whole application process is pretty retarded to begin with so i dunno, maybe it makes sense. of course this is balanced by the fact that once per test you are allowed to invoke the great elephant spirit for a specific problem and automatically gain max double points for it, as was masterfully done here for example:

so yeah, it's really a matter of using the elephant to your advantage

so yeah, it's really a matter of using the elephant to your advantage
Re: Help!!!! its urgent!!!
it's same everywhere on earth.tuhinaphysics wrote:can any body plz tell me that Is the Physics GRE content and question paper pattern is same for all the countries??? I am an Indian and i want to test in Nepal in April 2012 ,since physics gre is held only once a year in India. I dont want to wait all the year around for coming Nov .
Plz reply....
Re: Help!!!! its urgent!!!
don't listen to this guy he's also indian he just wants you to fail so he can have your spot!